What is a responsible, culture-loving Reykvíkingur to do in this creative city over the coming week? Well, it’s funny you should ask that…
Munasafn RVK Tool Library: Connecting Loops
- Sat 27th and Sun 28th November 2021
- Online only event: Saturday here, and Sunday here
- More information here

Image by Kosmonatka.
The wonderful Munasafn RVK Tool Library is not just a place to hire a hammer instead of buying one new, but has now unfurled itself into an umbrella organisation for projects aiming to expand and implement a circular economy in Iceland. This event—originally a hybid live/online affair, now pushed entirely online as a pandemic precaution—will investigate how our societies can move towards a circular economy, including making our approach to damaged goods one of repair rather than replacement.
Kristín Þorkelsdóttir
- Until December 30th
- Museum of Design and Applied Art
- More information here

Photo by Museum of Design and Applied Art
You’ve probably seen Kristín Þorkelsdóttir’s work before, though you might not know it. She’s designed the packaging of countless foodstuffs, as well as Icelandic banknotes and other famous items. Come trace her progression as an artist.
Party Film Screenings
- Every Friday at 20:00
- Bíó Paradís
- More information here

Photo courtsey of Bíó Paradís
Here’s the perfect event for movie freaks. Every Friday Bíó Paradís will be playing a beloved cinematic classic, and this week it’s time for Pulp Fiction. So grab some popcorn and get your weekend started…
“Popcorn! The cornerstone of any nutritious breakfast!”
Can’t decide which of our Iceland-themed shop items to give your loved ones this Christmas? We’ve done the choosing for you by assembling some splendid collections in our Boxes Of Iceland, all 20% off for a limited time.
Buy subscriptions, t-shirts and more from our shop right here!