Author: Nanna Árnadóttir - The Reykjavik Grapevine

Hot Dog Hero Works Through The Storm


In the midst of last night’s epic storm, one constant remained on the horizon, Bæjarins Bestu hot dog stand, reports…

Just FYI, It’s Illegal To Drown Mice


The Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority (IFVA) has published a reminder that it is illegal to drown mice in Iceland,…

Finance Minister’s Family Purchase State Assets Behind Closed Doors


Finance Minister Bjarni Benediktsson’s family was granted early access to an unadvertised share sale that allowed them to purchase a stake in Landsbankinn…

Palestinian Ambassador To Visit Iceland


On the 3rd anniversary of Iceland recognising the state of Palestine, the Palestinian ambassador to Iceland (who resides in Oslo,…

Bárðarbunga Probably Won’t Erupt After All


The Bárðarbunga caldera has sunk by only 50 metres since the Holuhraun eruption began three months ago, indicating that it…

Hamborgarafabrikkan Takes Foie Gras Off The Menu


Popular hamburger joint, Hamborgarafabrikkan (The Hamburger Factory) has taken foie gras off their menu following a complaint on their Facebook…

Attempt To Smuggle Cocaine Thwarted


A traveller was arrested at Keflavík airport trying to smuggle 24 packets of cocaine into the country, reports DV. The…

Julien Blanc Workshop Probably Canceled


A three-day “Dating” Bootcamp by controversial Pick Up Artist, Julien Blanc, due to be held in Iceland next year, has…

Northern Lights Movie Released


The film, Aurora Iceland, featuring 3 years worth of time-lapsed aurora borealis footage has been released on VOD. As reported,…

Weather Expected To Get Cold, Surprises No One


In a unsurprising turn of events, the weather will be getting much colder in Iceland in the coming days. RÚV…

Believes Riff Raff Is Her Father – UPDATE: Kid Is Full Of Shit


Young Margrét Vera Mánadóttir believes English playwright and actor Richard O’Brien is her father, reports Vísir. O’Brien is known for…

Some Icelander Has An Arsenal In Their House


In all there are 72.640 guns registered in Iceland and one Icelander is sitting on 214 of them, reports Vísir….

Hanna Birna Has Left The Country


Recently resigned Minister of the Interior, Hanna Birna Kristjánsdóttir, has left the country on a holiday, reports RÚV. Ragnheiður Elín…

Icelandic Musicians Unite For Gaza Charity Album


Nineteen Icelandic bands and artists have donated tracks to a new compilation from the Iceland-Palestine Association. Entitled Fyrir Gaza (“For Gaza”), the…

Hanna Birna May Avoid Parliamentary Hearing


Recently resigned Minister of the Interior Hanna Birna Kristjánsdóttir will likely not have to face a parliamentary hearing on the…

Migrant Butchers Working Seasonally In Iceland


Every year, several dozen butchers commute from provincial New Zealand to rural Iceland – for just two months’ work, reports…

Ice Cave Construction Underway


A 500 metre long ice cave is currently being tunnelled into Iceland’s Langjökull glacier. So far the crew have dug…

Head To Toe Arsenal Gear, Except At Funerals


Hardcore Icelandic Arsenal fan, Sigfríð Ingólfsdóttir, only ever wears Arsenal gear or Arsenal themed clothing, reports Vikudagur, except when she…

Increased Use Of Antidepressants


Anxiety and antidepressants are prescribed 70% more often in Iceland than 10 years ago and Icelanders consume more antidepressants than…

Feminists Want Statue Of Bríet


The Icelandic Women’s Rights Association (IWRA) has sent the City of Reykjavík a letter suggesting they erect a statue of…

BREAKING: No Butter Shortage This Christmas


Icelandic dairy producer, Mjólkursamsalan (MS Iceland Dairies), has confirmed that there will be no shortage of butter at supermarkets this…

Filmed 130 Nights Of Aurora Borealis Over 3 Years


Three independent film makers have spent 130 nights over the past 3 years time-lapse photographing northern lights in 50 different…

Weather Pooh-Pooh’s Potato Harvest


Iceland’s agricultural output has been on the rise since 2007, discounting a considerable dip in 2013 according to a new…

Icelanders Least Likely To Call In Sick


Only 1.7% of employed Icelanders were off sick for more than one week in 2013, the lowest rate of absenteeism…

Man’s T-Shirt Becomes National Celebrity


A scathing political t-shirt belonging to music teacher Michael Jón Clarke has become a viral sensation in Iceland. The t-shirt…