From Iceland — Sour Grapes And Stuff

Sour Grapes And Stuff

Published June 15, 2012

Sour Grapes And Stuff

Hi there.
Thank you so much for your current issue, i got it yesterday and enjoyed reading it sitting in my little garden while drinking iced coffee and eating danish. I was a every Friday and Saturday sirkús girl and i loved your article about the lost but not forgotten bars in 101. Funny, in 1999 i came here first and in 2005 i met my husband- so we danced together until the party ended. I really could use your issue as i went out for dinner with hubby at KEX yesterday evening and we had a brilliant time. Later we went to Harpa and guess who i saw at the Elvis Costello concert (which we got tickets by accident, i felt sooo young!), DJ KGB. My sirkús starlight!
One thing though, you forgot to mention Nelly´s. The beer there was 350.- if i remember correctly.But that is maybe all to remember about it.
Thank you again, your summer issues are like the Icelandic summer, full of energy
Kveðjur & liebe Grüsse
Korinna Elísabet
Dear Korinna,
Oh man, we remember Nelly’s. You’re right, their beer was super cheap, and the floor super dirty. That is lovely that you met your hubby at Sirkús. The year 2005 was a good one, we guess. We also met a hubby at Sirkús, in 2008 on the night they closed the bar forever. We are now broken up, though, while you are married and eating a Danish in the sun. Thanks for rubbing it in. Just kidding! Your letter totally cheered us up! Please take your husband to Hamborgarafabrikkan and live long and prosper, unlike Sirkús and Nelly’s.

Dear Grapevine,
Please ask Sindri Eldon to wash her mouth out with soap for her article “Rock Me, Sexy Jesus”. What would her mother think of all the swearing she litters her prose with? Sindri, we get it, you fancy an old guy. You don’t need to express it like a 50-year-old Arctic fisherman who has just stepped on a fishhook.
On another note Grapevine, please employ some more fucking proofreaders. Some of the typos are fucking awful!
Keep up the good work.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device
Dear Phil,
We found your letter very interesting. For a variety of reasons, actually, not the least of which was the fact that you assumed our music critic Sindri was a ‘she’ simply because he swooned a bit over Bryan Ferry.
But besides that, we have some more questions. Like: Do people really still find swearing offensive? And what generation do you assume Sindri to be of such that his mother would be offended by the language he chooses to pepper his prose with? Honestly, for all you know, his mother is in her forties and an art rocker herself. Also: what do you have against 50-year-old Arctic fishermen? They could very well have the golden hearts of poets, and their prose–though surely littered with obscenities–could very well sound like a chorus of cherubs softly laughing. At least that’s what Sindri’s pieces read like to us. Not sure what you’re so hung up about.
Lastly, we know about all the tpyos. We had to drink a lot of beer while making our last issue and, well, it sorta showed.

Back from an excellent trip to Iceland for the International Gay and Lesbian Aquatics championships.  Loved the meet, loved the country, and loved the Grapevine.  Just one thing – why was Gay 46 the only bar in your 2012 bar guide with no star rating?  Inquiring minds want to know.  The night I was there it was full of stripped down swimmers, so boring it was not.
– Robb
Hey Robb! How were the aquatics championships? I hope all the attractive guys in speedos complemented the beautiful scenery.
As the gay American Grapevine intern who reviewed the bar, let me explain. If I were an outsider, I’d cry conspiracy! No stars in the Gay 46 rating? What’s with all this homophobia? Fuck hate, am I right? But no, this was just a simple copy mistake. Not enough proofreading, for sure. It just slipped in—something you may be quite accustomed to, Robb 😉 For the record, the bar received three out of five stars.
I will admit, if I had been at Gay 46 when hordes of hot swimmers took to the dance floor, my opinion would be quite different. Alas, I’ve been to the bar about three times now, and each time I’m disappointed. A lot of lounging and playing pool, not enough dancing. A lot of middle aged types, not enough hot Icelandic young men.

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