From Iceland — Sour grapes and stuff

Sour grapes and stuff

Published May 22, 2009

Sour grapes and stuff

Dear Sir or Madam:
    I am writing to Icelandic Reykjavík Grapevine Newspaper. I discovered your fine publication through a article in the major broadsheet newspapers (enclosed overleaf thank you encircled in article by pen) My reason for writing is this: A) I wonder if you could be so kind to forward a back copy of Reykjavík Grapevine please. If so I will send you the fee required for one issue. B) I find as a humble chap British born but having Icelandic culture to a point, experiencing Icelanders in everyday life, like a lot of visitors do not I got a considerable amount of respect for Icelanders who became over the years became friends as the original decendants of the Norse Vikings, but only as (nationalities mean little to me now) as individuals Brits, Irish, Swedes, etc. got on with me) I feel ‘vexed’ by the suffering of a small proud land. Due the world money ‘created’ crisis. For Icelandic working folks. And authorities in different lands knew the risks putting cash £ $ € Islenski banks as with any bank of any country. C) But I know Icelanders have the iron determination never to give if (ha!) now and in future times. I also know Icelanders have a sense of humour enclosure (writer)
    I write as a hobbyist to semi-pro at best enclose I had some very minor association with The Legend of the Death The Sea Horse Film
    I seek no money for it and if used fine if not fine
    D) It has been sometime since I had communicated with Icelanders since a couple of Icelandic people where promoted to glory (died) seeking Icelandic penpal age 21-65
    Thank for taking time to read my letter. Bless.
Mr Sherman Wilson F-O-R-G-O-T-C-H
13 Cedar Road, Dorchester, Dorset.
DT1 2PX, England
Dear Mr Sherman,
Thank you so much for your letter. It uhm… yeah. Getting an actual letter like that, in the mail and all, that was actually kind of cool. Even though I’m not sure what you mean by all of it. We’ll at least send you that back issue, no worries. Your minor association with The Legend of the Death The Sea Horse Film also sounds intriguing. You should write us more on the subject. Keep those letters coming! Takk!

Hello Haukur,
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    To accept this friend request, please follow this link: [redacted] Best Regards,
Affluence Administration
Dear Administration,
Haha. Hahahahaha. Hahahahahahahaha. Hah! Haha! Hahaha!
Ps – Bwahahahahahaha!

Nice cover last issue! Articles were fun too. David Lynch is so cool, and the story of Gryyla was… interesting. I love the Icelandic monster bit and look for it every issue. Can you give me a sneak preview of what’s to expect?
Johann Eskil, Bergen
Hey Johann,
Funny you should ask… actually, Hugleikur and us have decided to put the ‘Monsters and Mythical Beings’ series on an indefinite break, at least for the summer. We’re trying to cook up something awesome to embark upon this fall, until then you can enjoy some exclusive comic strips, courtesy of Hugleikur.

Dear Grapevine,
I have been an avid reader of your paper ever since I visited Reykjavík in January and follow you on-line every day. I have been meaning to drop you a line to thank you for doing such a good job keeping the world updated on what’s going on over there. The politics bits are interesting, but I also really like reading about the music and daily life aspects especially since I’m planning to move to Reykjavík as soon as I get the chance.  I have a question though, how much does it subscribe to the print version from overseas and who do I call to do that? 
    And thank you so much for your last issue, I think it’s he best one yet. I especially liked the article on STDs and the one on Dreamland. Do you know when it’s showing in the US?
    Thank you for your time and your hard work,
Erica, Portland OR
Dear Erica,
Thank you so much for your kind letter. It is nice to know you appreciate the paper, and the town we take a name from. We’re not sure when Dreamland will make it to the US, but the directors assured us that it would be promoted internationally, so it ought to make its way your way soon. As for subscription enquiries, you should e-mail

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