From Iceland — Activists Accused Of Bribing Public Officials

Activists Accused Of Bribing Public Officials

Published July 18, 2024

Photo by
Catharine Fulton

The Directorate of Public Prosecution has ordered the Metropolitan Police Chief to launch a reinvestigation of supposed bribes committed by activists Sema Erla Serdaroglu and María Lilja.

The case traces back to April 2024, when Supreme Court lawyer Einar S. Hálfdánarson brought a formal accusation to the police which alleged the pair broke laws on public fundraising, bribed public officials, and financed terrorist activity. Sema Erla and María have been actively involved within the operations of humanitarian association Solaris, helping Palestinians evacuate from war-torn Gaza.

No additional proof or supporting evidence could support the case, with the Police subsequently dismissing it in April. On July 16, reported the launch of the reinvestigation. The public prosecutor argued that the police did not dismiss the case on valid grounds and were obliged to fully scrutinise the matter in April.

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