From Iceland — Þórólfur To Ship Teams Janssen and Pfizer

Þórólfur To Ship Teams Janssen and Pfizer

Published August 3, 2021

Erik Pomrenke
Photo by
John Pearson

By August 20, the Icelandic government plans to merge fan favorites Janssen and Pfizer by giving all Janssen recipients a Pfizer booster.

This development represents a revolution Iceland’s COVID story arc, long since defined by the deep differences between teams Janssen and Pfizer.

The announcement came from Óskar Reykdalsson, director of health in the capital region, on Rás 1 this morning.

The Pfizer booster comes in response to the increased strain on the health care system currently.

In preparation for the coming school year, vaccinations and screenings are currently being performed at Suðurlandsbraut, but operations will soon shift back to Laugardalshöll as the Pfizer booster scales up in size.

Read more about the recent announcement here on RUV.

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