Giljagaur (Gully Gawk), the second Yule Lad, took to Facebook last night, posting a controversial note about his opinions on a variety of topics, most notably the recent MS Monopoly scandal.
The note, which has since gone viral, has been criticised as xenophobic, sexist and downright nonsensical by some but, as a long needed voice of reason by others.
We have translated Giljagaur’s note in full here:
If there is one voice that is in danger of extinction here in Iceland, it’s the voice of tradition. Once a year I travel down from my cave in the mountains, and wade into the liberal hippie swamp that my previously proud country has become.
I may not understand exactly what’s going on, but my opinion matters. Maybe if I was a woman or an immigrant people would care, because they’re running the show now. Makes me wish for the good old days. A hundred Christmases ago this wasn’t a problem, women couldn’t even vote! But now, Grýla forbid you’re born an Icelandic man, the whole system’s rigged against you.
I am a troll of simple pleasures, I enjoy writing inflammatory remarks anonymously on news websites and listening to talk radio.
But most of all I enjoy skimming the froth off pails of milk and never have I been so disappointed in the socialist brothel RÚV, then when I watched the Kastljós episode outlining a “supposed” monopoly in Iceland’s dairy industry earlier this winter.
How can they be a monopoly I ask you, they are competing with other beverages like juice and Coca-Cola!
Long ago I used to sneak into cowsheds for my milk, there wasn’t much to go around but now, with 700 dairy farms and efficient milking technology things have never been better for me.
Sure MS Iceland Dairies, who control all of Iceland’s raw milk, nearly bankrupted a few companies by selling milk at a 17% higher price to its competitors than to its own associates, but let’s look at the big picture here.
MS makes sure that it’s illegal to import foreign milk into Iceland because they have close ties to the government and various political figures. Some people call this corruption but I call it teamwork.
Really what these lib-scum journalists should be doing before they “expose” politicians and their connections to the milk industry is examine their own pasts . What do we even know about these journalists? Couldn’t they be working on the behalf foreign dairy interests who want to start importing foreign milk in Iceland? Who are they in cahoots with?
Just saying.
If you or your family would like to meet Giljagaur, he will be making his annual visit to the National Museum of Iceland at 11 am today. He’s really much nicer in person, just tell him you vote Progressive.
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