From Iceland — Feminist Society Demands Government Action

Feminist Society Demands Government Action

Published October 19, 2009

The Feminist Society of Iceland issued a statement yesterday demanding the government close strip clubs in Iceland, and make changes to Icelandic law with regards to human trafficking.
In recent days, a young Lithuanian woman who was tricked into coming to Iceland under false pretences by a group of men suspected of intending to force the woman into prostitution in Iceland has been a prominent story in the news. Vísir reports that the Feminist Society cites the woman’s case, saying that “the link between strip clubs, prostitution and human trafficking has been long proved.”
This being the case, they continue, “the Feminist Society of Iceland challenges the government to commence purposeful measures against human trafficking and prostitution. The Feminist Society demands the closing of strip clubs, that victim and witness protection be introduced into Icelandic law in accordance with international agreements, and that a plan of operation against human trafficking be initiated at once.”
Strip clubs in Reykjavík have reduced in number over the past ten years, and the city no longer allows “private dances”. However, there have been complaints filed by former employees that they were pressured into engaging in prostitution.

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