this day in icelandic history — The Reykjavik Grapevine %

RVK Newscast #107: The Vaccine Lottery & Those Spying Danes


Vaccinations are going very well and currently Iceland is not dealing with many COVID-19 cases. In face, there was only…

The Message In The Magma: The Geldingadalir Eruption Site Is Growing—What Have We Learned?


On March 19th, 2021, the world’s gaze turned to Iceland as fissures opened in the Geldingadalir valley—the first eruption on…

Iceland’s MeToo Movement: Breaking The Cycle


Last month, the greater Icelandic public was reminded that the MeToo movement never really went away. This was kicked off…

To Know Is To Design: Kristín Þorkelsdóttir On A Lifetime Of Creating Iceland


“You could say this is my lifetime work,” says product designer Kristín Þorkelsdóttir, gesturing to the large, airy exhibition hall…

Jack-Of-All-Trades, Rúrik Gíslason Wins “Let’s Dance” in Germany


Another Icelandic victory can be put in the history books. The former national football player, Iceland’s darling, and jack-of-all-trades, Rúrik…

Don’t Despair, Skuggabaldur Is On The Prowl


“I’ve always wanted to open up a jazz bar,” Jón Mýrdal says. A stand-up comedian and TV personality turned bar…

DesignM(ay)arch Day #3: The Full Schedule & Our Picks!


DesignMarch day three has arrived! And with it, a plethora of great exhibitions, events and more. Here’s the schedule and…

YOMIGÆRI Is Here: Jarkko Kinnunen & Marko Svart On Their Sustainable DesignMarch Collaboration


Yomigæri: A Japanese term that directly translates as “return from the underworld”, but colloquially means “rebirth” or “remembrance”. It’s also…

DesignM(ay)arch Day #1: Our Top Picks of the Festival Today

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Today celebrates the thirteenth edition of DesignMarch, but this time in May! The HönnunarMars’ exhibition venues stretch all over the…

‘There’s The New Constitution’: Libia Castro & Ólafur Ólafsson Will Never Stop Fighting


For almost 10 years, the cry of ‘Hvar er nýja stjórnarskráin?’ (‘Where’s the new constitution?’) has been heard around the…

Lava Rain At The Eruption Site


Geldingadalsgos has something new in stock every week. The Scientific Council for Civil Protection now warns of lava bombs falling…

Prosecutors Demand Accused Arsonist Be Sentenced For Life


Prosecutors are demanding that Marek Moszczynski, who is alleged to have set fire to a house on Bræðraborgarstígur last summer,…

Húsavík, My Boomtown: Eurovision Lifts The North


Húsavík is currently hibernating. Even though yesterday was the official start of the Icelandic summer and the weather is gradually…

Human Trafficking Survivor Facing Deportation Challenges Decision In Court


Uhunoma Osayomore, an asylum seeker who fled human trafficking and violence in Nigeria and is now facing deportation from Iceland,…

The Two Northernmost Craters Have Stopped Erupting


A month has passed since the volcano in Geldingadalur first erupted, and the two northernmost craters have stopped erupting. Birgir…

The Generation Shaping Icelandic Fantasy


It’s a brutal truth, but as a whole, most Icelandic writers have two relatively boring characteristics in common. First, they…

Tales Of A Michigan Boy: The Open Book Of John Grant


“I suppose I never really tire of going back over my life, and trying to figure out what the fuck…

Hear Ye! The Gospel Of Reykjavík Galleries: Thine Guide To Locale Arte


Jesus Christ (a figure you might know from art history), there are a lot of new galleries in Reykjavík right…

From Reykjavík To Rainy-Vík: A Stormy South Coast Trip


We had a great plan for this month’s travel feature: a road trip along the south coast of Iceland, a…

The Sleeping Giant: Earthquakes And Volcanoes In Reykjanes


By the time you read this, a volcano may have erupted in Reykjanes, Iceland’s southwestern peninsula and the home of…

Iceland’s Film History Traced In New TV Series


“Iceland: bíóland” is a new TV series starting on Sunday that explores the history of Icelandic cinema since the beginning…