volcano — The Reykjavik Grapevine %

For The Hikers: Four Fine Summits


From the hundreds of mountain hikes and climbs (both equipped and un-equipped) Iceland has to offer, I have chosen to…

An Unfamiliar Home


After four decades of resistance, one of the most iconic houses from the eruption of Vestmannaeyjar recently collapsed under the…

Running Off With The Circus


“This is the biggest tent, Eyjafjallajökull,” says Ilmur Dögg Gísladóttir, PR & Project Manager of the Nordic House, as we…

Where Are The Glowing Rocks?


As you would expect, many visitors to Iceland are more than eager to view the country’s famous volcanoes. They may,…

Top Hits At Grapevine.is


The following are the most viewed stories at grapevine.is since we started keeping track in 2009. It’s clear. Our readers…

Exploring The Reykjanes Peninsula


You may have noticed while looking at a map of Iceland that the Reykjanes Peninsula, where the Keflavik International Airport…

Game Of Thrones Returns To Iceland


Iceland will again serve as a key set in the next season of the HBO fantasy series Game of Thrones,…

The Simpsons Go Iceland (feat. Sigur Rós) almost-LIVEBLOG!


As a nation, Iceland has suffered some hardship over the past few years (after a few pretty sweet ones, oh,…

My Way Or The Highway


I am mere steps into the Gálgahraun lava field before I forget the bustling highway just to the east, connecting…

Fee To See Dettifoss


The owners of Reykjahlíð in the Mývatnssveit area plan to charge tourists to visit some of the region’s most popular…

Fork Talk


By the time I finally set foot in Reykjavík, I had been traveling for about 24 hours and was running…

Peaks Are Not For Conquering


Ari Trausti Guðmundsson is a prolific writer whose collection of short stories ‘Vegalínur’ (“Road Lines”) received the Halldór Laxness Literature…

Charlie Sheen Celebrated Easter In Iceland


Actor, winner, and tiger blood enthusiast Charlie Sheen  paid a short visit to Iceland to celebrate the Easter holidays, bringing…

Unusual Seismic Activity In Mount Hekla


The National Commissioner of the Icelandic Police (NCIP) has heightened the level of surveillance of the Hekla volcano to “uncertainty…

Not The Knee-Jerk Reaction – Eiríkur Örn Norðdahl on Illska


Raised in Iceland by Lithuanian parents, Agnes is a history student writing her thesis on today’s right wing populism and…

Growing Old, French Style


The magic is gone, but once upon a time things were better. Perhaps this is a natural conclusion for filmmakers…

The International Students Rocking Up In RVK


This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Erasmus programme, which promotes student exchanges all over the world. The Reykjavík…

Icelanders Commemorate Heimaey Eruption


Icelanders in the Westman Islands commemorated the 40th anniversary of the 1973 volcanic eruption on Heimaey. RÚV reports that a…

Hello! Offers Interesting Take On Iceland


The online version of Hello! magazine has run an article on Iceland, contending among other things that the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull…

Iceland: The Thing To Fear In 2013


Two different television shows from the US Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) have recently depicted Iceland as a time bomb waiting…

Winter Fun for Everyone


Clear sunny skies, crisp maritime air and crunchy snow underfoot—when winter finally takes off in Iceland, it’s truly a treat….