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Reaching The Sky

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A how-to guide to hikes around Reykjavík A hike is nothing more than a walk on a mountain. Sure, you’ll…

Tacos Served With A Side Of Jazz


Tacoson’s simple menu brings big flavour Situated on the docks of Reykjavík harbour is Tacoson – a food truck overlooking a…

The Islanders: Gísli’s Life As A Helicopter Pilot


Gísli Gíslason on his love affair with the skies and choppers As we meet outside one of the hangars at…

How Do You Volcano?


The essential guide to visiting the Litli-Hrútur eruption It finally happened – again. The third volcanic eruption in three years,…

Do Shit: Make Small Talk With Icelanders


The Útlendingur’s Guide To Getting Shit Done “So, how do you like Iceland?” If ever you happen across an Icelander…

It’s Getting Hot In Here


The news making headlines in Reykjavík these days There’s no dancing around the biggest news in Iceland these days: a…

Eruption Site Open To The Public, Hikers Encouraged To Be Cautious


Kristín Jónsdóttir, the director of nature conservation at the Icelandic Met Office, states that the situation regarding the volcanic eruption…

Helping The Helpers


The Icelandic Association for Search and Rescue looks for broader support Iceland will welcome 2.1 million tourists in 2023. While…

Grapevine Events: Free Supermarket, Nanna, Kexport & So Much More


TGIF! Not only is it Friday, it’s also warm and sunny in Reykjavík. We might have a new volcanic eruption…

Best Of Reykjavík 2023: Best Pool

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Best Pool Lágafellslaug Lækjarhlíð 1a, 270 Mosfellsbær The panel this year skewed towards the over-30 bracket, so the criteria for…

An Adventure Under A Bridge


Fiskfelagið is still going strong, 14 years on Fiskfelagið, also known as Fish Company, is often confused with the other…

Snowfall And Chilling Temperatures In Snæfell and Askja


Snow covered ground around Snæfell mountain on July 5, reports RÚV. Conditions are also quite wintry and cold near Askja….

The Grapevine Guide To Spending A Rainy Day


They’re frequent enough, so may as well have a plan to get through them Summer. What is summer? After a…

Track By Track: I Am Weary, Don’t Let Me Rest


Snorri Hallgrímsson brings us his newest composition Snorri Hallgrímsson’s list of works is long. Here, Snorri invites us to delve…

A Basket Full of Music


The Nordic House’s PIKKNIKK concert series highlights diversity On a lazy Sunday summer afternoon, there are few things as pleasant…

Grapevine New Music Picks: Ásgeir, Bílskur, Stjórnin & More


As June comes to an end and folks begin to mosey out of the office and into the countryside, the…

Norður, Niður And Back Again


A conversation with Sigur Rós in eight parts I. The eulogy A genuinely palpable sigh of relief could be heard…

Behold The Chrome Majesty


Discovering the secrets of the swimsuit dryer The wet feet shlop against the tiled floors. Water from the showers batters…

The Summertime Charm Of Reykjavík’s Old Harbour


It’s easy to spend an entire day in Grandi It’s summer. Some of us may be counting down the days…

Operation Napoleon: A Glacier Thriller


Icelandic movies have been exploring various genres with great success in recent years. These days, it’s not uncommon to come…

Canadian Prime Minister To Visit The Westman Islands


Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau will be a special guest at the Nordic Prime Ministers’ Summer Meeting being held in…