From Iceland — Health Minister May Lift All Coronavirus Restrictions In 10 Days Or Sooner

Health Minister May Lift All Coronavirus Restrictions In 10 Days Or Sooner

Published February 15, 2022

Andie Sophia Fontaine
Photo by
iira116 - Pixabay

Just four days after announcing further relaxations of domestic coronavirus restrictions, Minister of Health Willum Þór Þorsson is now aiming to lift all domestic pandemic restrictions in the country, Vísir reports.

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This may happen in 10 days’ time, or even sooner, he said, if conditions permit. Instead of requiring those infected with the coronavirus to isolate, they will instead be encouraged to avoid contact with others.

The news comes at a time when there are now 53 people in hospital with the coronavirus, while about 300 hospital workers are currently in isolation. The increased workload has led Willum to consider allowing infected hospital staff who do not show any symptoms of the virus to return to work.

“It seems to me we’re seeing an end to this, of course, if there is occasion to do so, we determine this even-handedly and reassess the situation,” he said. “But it bears reminding that, in all cases where someone is ill, that people rest up and proceed with caution. As restrictions are lifted and obstacles are eased, there follows more individual responsibility to take care of one’s self.”

As it stands now, the total lifting of domestic restrictions is due to happen on February 25th, unless the situation changes drastically in the interim.

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