According to a new poll conducted by Prósent, members of the Independence Party, those aged 65 and older, and those earning 800,000 ISK per month or more are the happiest of all with Iceland’s new government.
The poll was conducted from December 1st through December 10th, directed at 2,300 individuals, with 49.3% of them responding.
Overall, 42% expressed satisfaction with the new government, while 37% were dissatisfied, showing a very close divide just a few weeks into this coalition. 21% felt neither satisfaction nor dissatisfaction. The demographics of respondents paint a more detailed picture.
In terms of political persuasion, most voters of the parties who comprise the ruling coalition–the Independence Party, the Progressive Party, and the Left-Greens–were the only parties of which the majority expressed satisfaction with the government. 87% of Independence Party voters, 68% of Progressives, and 53% of Left-Greens were supportive.
The only age group where the majority expressed satisfaction with the new government were those aged 65 and older, at 51%. The least satisfied were those aged 18 to 24, with only 33% satisfied while 46% were unsatisfied and 21% had no opinion.
Another factor was income; namely, the more money someone earns per month, the happier they are with the government. Those earning 800,000 ISK or more per month were most satisfied, at 47% against 37%, while those earning 399,000 ISK or less were least satisfied, at 36% against 38%.
Even locale played a part: those living in the countryside are more satisfied with the new government than those living in the capital area, with 47% and 39%, respectively, showing approval.
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