From Iceland — Nurses Driving Closer To People To Vaccinate Them

Nurses Driving Closer To People To Vaccinate Them

Published November 18, 2021

Reetta Huhta
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The capital area’s health care system is now looking for various ways to reach those who are not vaccinated yet, reports RÚV. The director of nursing says it is urgent to reach this group as soon as possible. Thus, it might be possible that nurses drive up to the neighborhoods and offer vaccinations there.

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There were 126 domestic cases of coronavirus diagnosed yesterday. Out of those, 78 were outside quarantine. In recent days, over 40% of the diagnosed have been unvaccinated. However, approximately 10% of people who have been given the opportunity to get vaccinated have declined.

Ragnheiður Ósk Erlendsdóttir, director of nursing at the capital area’s health care, says that every effort must be made to reach this group. “We are working on an idea making vaccinations available in the neighborhoods by moving closer to the people,” she reveals.

If this idea takes off, nurses would be driven to areas where a lot of people are working, such as Kringlan or Smáralind. The goal is that the nurses will get to all the municipalities in the capital area, and even around the country, if possible.

According to Ragnheiður, it’s urgent to start the project soon. “It will happen in the next few weeks,” she says.

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