From Iceland — A Quarter Of The Population Have Visited The Volcanic Eruption

A Quarter Of The Population Have Visited The Volcanic Eruption

Published April 16, 2021

Photo by
Art Bicnick

A quarter of the population of Iceland has made their way out to Geldingadalur to visit the new volcano, Fréttablaðið reports.

Interest has been rising since the eruption, with more people visiting recently than when it first erupted.

According to Þjóðarpúls Gallup, who conducted the survey on how many people visited the volcano, after the first week of April only 16% of people had visited the volcano.

Light in the dark

19 percent have not seen the eruption but have seen its infamous glow lighting up the night sky. An additional 3% have driven near the volcano just to see the orange hue in the sky.

This means that almost half of the population has seen it in some way, but 53% have not.

They’ll see it eventually…

Of those who have not gone to the eruption, just over half think it is likely or certain that they will do so, while 36% think it is unlikely.

It seems that many more people are going to see the eruption than in previous Gallup polls, despite the fact that the number of people who have already been to the eruption has increased significantly.

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