From Iceland — Daði & Gagnamagnið's '10 Years' Music Video Released Today

Daði & Gagnamagnið’s ’10 Years’ Music Video Released Today

Published March 29, 2021

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Screenshot / YouTube

Daði and Gagnamagnið have released the music video for their Eurovision song “10 Years”.

The video was heavily inspired by the old Power Rangers TV show, except with far more smooth dance moves. The story of the video Daði & Gagnamagnið taking down a monster that is terrorizing farmhouses and can only be stopped by some sweet sweet choreography because of course.

The eruption in Geldingadalur also features briefly in the video, with some drone footage from Garðar Ólafsson.

Also guest appearing is Iceland’s beloved actor, Ólafur Darri Ólafsson, who features as the Mayor of Iceland, requesting the gang’s help to save Iceland.

The same team that produced the music video for Think About Things made the video. The director is Guðný Rós Þórhallsdóttir and Birta Rán Björgvinsdóttir is the cinematographer.

Gagnamagn’s fans will also see the action of the actors who broke through in the music video Think About Things appear again in small roles.

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