Oh my god, dude, how fucking crazy was last night? That show was amazing! What? Oh, of course you’re going to drink again. Shut the hell up, who do you think you’re talking to? You are actually going to drink again right now. Let’s go get something to eat. Trust me, I know just the place.
Let’s get a burger and a beer here, they are so good. I’m having a Royale with double cheese and a Viking Classic. I know you don’t eat meat, they offer to swap out any of their burgers with a vegan patty. You want sweet potato fries too? No? You really can’t handle solid food yet? Okay fine, just get the Bruce Willis shake, it has whisky in it. Worst case, you’ll puke and feel better.
We should rehydrate though, seriously. Let’s get in the hot pot. I actually might do a couple of laps and sweat it out because that’s a great energy boost. We might still be hungover but at least our endorphins will be up. No? You really can’t handle a swim? Okay, you just go sit in the steam room and chill out for a while. Try to do a few stretches. Worst case, you’ll puke and feel better.
Off venues
Okay maybe we just need to listen to some chill music and get distracted a bit. Look, we’re already downtown, there’s stuff happening everywhere. Should we go see some darkwave at Stofan? Some electronica at Paloma? Some chill experimental acoustic stuff at Mengi? Some indie grunge at Dillon? Some fun arty shit at Kaffibarinn? I’m up for whatever. Worst case, the band will suck and you can critique them with puke.
Okay fine, you fucking baby, let’s go back to the AirBnB. Can you please just take a quick one though? Cause I really want to go catch some more off-venue gigs. In fact, maybe I’ll just poop really quick and then head back out. Actually, you know what… you’re onto something. A nap sounds good. Worst case: you’ll puke and die, Hendrix style.
Beer O’Clock
Holy shit, dude, wake up! We slept for like three hours! No, you don’t need a shower, we took seven at the pool! What, you didn’t actually wash? That’s fucking gross, you’re a monster. Shit, we don’t have time for this, Áslaug is playing at Kaffibarinn today. In 20 minutes! We gotta run! You’re not gonna puke, we’ll pound one back really fast as soon as we get there and you’ll be fine! Let’s find somewhere on the Appy Hour app, so it’ll be cheap, too! Hurry up!
You gotta be kidding me right now. That’s someone’s car, that is so rude. Fuck it, I’m posting this shit on Instagram. Feel better? Good.
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