From Iceland — Blood Bank Desperate For Donations

Blood Bank Desperate For Donations

Published July 25, 2017

The Blood Bank has called upon every available person to donate, as its reserves are dangerously low, reports

With the long holiday weekend Verslunarmannahelgin coming up, the bank says it needs a lot more donations. Jórunn Frímannsdóttir, department head for the Blood Bank, says that the situation is serious.

“As it stands we need a lot more blood,” Jórunn told Vísir. “Donors need to do more if we are to meet demand, we need to work hard in the coming days and weeks.”

Dry summer and hot dogs

Jórunn said that the main reasons for the shortage are summer vacations and that in recent weeks there has been an increased demand for blood. In order to help facilitate donations, the bank has organised a BBQ day tomorrow and an ice cream day Thursday.

“We want to accommodate our donors by grilling hot dogs tomorrow and give out ice cream in the sun on Thursday,” she said. “We encourage all blood donors to pop by for a visit.”

That seems like a pretty solid deal. Your body makes blood, scientists are yet to find a way to make it produce hot dogs and ice cream. So fork it over, you have about 5 litres of it anyway!

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