An apartment close to downtown Reykjavík was broken into, with many valuables stolen, at some point in the late afternoon today.
Laimonas Baranauskas, who lives in the apartment with his boyfriend and a roommate, contacted the Grapevine to tell us about the burglary, which took place in a residential neighbourhood in east Reykjavík. According to his account, the burglary happened at some point between 16:30 and 18:00 today, while he and his boyfriend were out for a coffee and their roommate was at the gym.
Police are still investigating the matter, but it appears as though the perpetrator or perpetrators entered the ground floor apartment by breaking the latch of a vertical window, as can be seen here (Article continues after photo):

When Laimonas and his boyfriend arrived home, they found the apartment was ransacked. They also noticed that their computers, two Macbook Pros, were missing. After contacting their roommate to let him know of the break-in, they contacted the police. Two officers arrived, who called in a detective. No witnesses to the burglary have yet come forward.
In all, two Macbook Pros, an ASUS laptop, a GoPro camera, a Fujifilm camera, a passport, a drivers license, and a credit card were stolen. In addition, and most bizarrely, Laimonas’ documentation asserting his clean criminal record was also stolen – while his passport, which lay next to this document, remained untouched.
“I just want people to realise that just because Iceland is a small country doesn’t mean things like this can’t happen,” Laimonas told us. He has been living in Iceland for six years now and has never experienced a robbery before. “Times are changing. I want people to keep this in mind, and to be careful.”
If, by chance, you happen what you suspect to be any of the stolen items, you are encouraged to contact Laimonas via Facebook or at his email, laimonasdom@gmail.com.
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