From Iceland — Ásmundur "Just Asking Questions" Once Again

Ásmundur “Just Asking Questions” Once Again

Published May 6, 2016

Andie Sophia Fontaine
Photo by Commons

Independence Party MP Ásmundur Friðriksson has posed yet another formal question in parliament about asylum seekers – a subject he has drawn harsh criticism for his opinions on before.

Stundin reports that Ásmundur has submitted a formal question to the Minister of the Interior, comprising two items: how much the government has spent on legal assistance for asylum seekers, and how the government’s aim to speed up the asylum application process is going.

The question takes on a broader context when Ásmundur’s previous remarks on asylum seekers are taken into consideration.

As reported two months ago, Ásmundur had also asked parliament whether or not turning away asylum seekers at Keflavík International Airport – the point of entry for most asylum seekers in Iceland – ought to be considered. The answer was a resounding “No.” from other members of parliament.

Last year, Ásmundur was also just asking questions when he remarked in parliament that maybe all 1,500 of Iceland’s Muslims should be investigated for any possible ties to terrorist organisations. This question was met with harsh criticism, some of it coming from his own party.

Ásmundur has not taken the criticism well, lamenting that freedom of speech is being “trampled upon”.


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