From Iceland — A Lunar Lander Replica In Iceland

A Lunar Lander Replica In Iceland

Published November 14, 2015

Andie Sophia Fontaine
Photo by

A full-sized replica of the Apollo 11 lunar module, “The Eagle”, will soon be built and displayed in Húsavík.

RÚV reports that the Exploration Museum in Húsavík will be conducting the project, although how the project will be funded is still uncertain.

Örlygur Hnefill Örlygsson, the chairperson of the museum’s board, told reporters that the project has been a dream of his for about the past year now. He told reporters that he already has the Eagle blueprints, given to him by NASA. The lunar module stands about five metres tall, and is made mostly of aluminium.

“We’re going to build the outer shell, but we’re not going to have anything operational inside it,” he said. “It’s a bit like building a car without an engine.”

While funding is still up in the air, and the lunar module’s creation will mean building an extra addition to the museum, Örlygur believes it should be finished by 2019, which would mark the 50th anniversary of US astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landing on the moon.

If you happen to think the moon landing was a hoax, just be sure not to say that to Buzz Aldrin’s face, or this may happen to you:

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