From Iceland — Orionids Turn Out To Be Mall's Light Show

Orionids Turn Out To Be Mall’s Light Show

Published October 25, 2015

Andie Sophia Fontaine
Photo by
Brocken Inaglory/Wikimedia Commons

What was initially reported to be a spectacular Orionid meteor shower over Garðabær last night has turned out to have a more mundane explanation.

MBL reported last Friday that a lively meteorite shower could be seen over both Kópavogur and Garðabær the night previous. According to sources that contacted MBL, between six and eight light blue lights could be seen in the skies that night, lasting for a full three hours.

These lights were reportedly suspected to be Orionids, especially bright debris from Halley’s Comet which are especially visible during this time of year. In fact, the annual arrival of the Orionids were estimated to arrive on the dates the lights over Garðabær appeared.

Unfortunately, in Iceland’s case this display had a more earthly explanation. Vísir reports that during the time these lights were reported, the suburban shopping mall Smáralind held a light show, lasting some three hours, which featured seven spotlights shining light blue beams into the sky.

If you hoped to see meteorite showers in the Icelandic sky, and had your view blocked by light pollution, do not despair: meteorite showers will still be visible until October 29.

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