The vast majority of drivers complain other drivers do not use turn signals, while most drivers do not use turn signals.
RÚV reports that the insurance company VÍS has conducted another survey of driver behaviour, with results that will come as little surprise to anyone familiar with Icelandic traffic. Setting up at a roundabout in Hafnarfjörður to take a random sampling, they found that 53% of drivers there did not use a turn signal.
This is actually up from the last such survey, which was conducted two years ago and found that 66% of drivers did not use turn signals.
At the same time, a poll conducted by the Icelandic Transport Authority found that 77% cited the lack of turn signal use as one of the more disturbing things they encounter on the road – a telling citation in light of how few use turn signals, compared to how many are annoyed by others not using them.
VÍS said furthermore that the turn signal survey was conducted at a roundabout as this is a traffic situation where turn signals matter especially. They emphasise that all drivers should use them with ample time given before turning as a means of reducing car accidents.
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