A new Gallup poll shows shifting lines of support between parties in Iceland’s parliament, some of them quite dramatic.
According to the data, which tracked who people voted for in the 2013 elections and who they would vote for if elections were held today, Iceland’s landscape has taken many shifts over the past two years, some more significant than others. This was especially the case where the Pirate Party is concerned.
Over half of those who voted for Bright Future in 2013 said they would vote for the Pirates today. They have also peeled off significant numbers of voters from the Social Democrats and even the Progressive Party. In fact, less than half of those who voted for the Progressives in 2013 would do so again if elections were held today.
Party loyalty varied widely. Pirate Party voters were the most loyal, as 93% of those who voted for the Pirates in 2013 intend to do so again. Amongst the next loyal voting block, Independence Party voters, about 75% of those who chose them last time around would vote for them again.
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