From Iceland — What's Happening This Weekend: March 13-15

What’s Happening This Weekend: March 13-15

Published March 13, 2015

So, the days are getting a bit longer, and you might be thinking it’s time to end your winter hibernation. Our interns have chosen a few events they think are a good way to ease back into society. If nothing tickles your fancy, check out our Listings Website for a complete list.


NovemberPearls-tileTonight, Anna is going to see November Pearls perform at Dillon. They’re a folky, Seattle-based band, and are doing a few shows in Reykjavík as part of their European tour. It should be a nice gig at one of the only bars with a decent whisky selection.

buffRagna is a big fan of Jónas Sig og Ritvélar framtíðarinnar, so she’s going to check them out at Café Rosenberg. They play dopamine-inducing afrobeat, funk, soul, Icelandic, electric, pop and happiness. Who wouldn’t love a band that plays ‘happiness’ as a genre?

PETITS-VOLCANSThe German interns are a bit more cultured, so they’re going to DesignMarch events. Steffi thinks the opening of IIIF’s design exhibition ‘PETITS VOLCANS’ at Mengi sounds like fun. FM BELFAST DJs will spin some tunes to set the mood. Victor was a model in Berlin and Paris so he’s going to the Reykjavík Fashion Festival at Harpa. “I got to know this amazing feeling when you are walking down the run way. Also the audience might have a very nice experience to watch a designers new collection.” With the possibility of having a nice experience, why wouldn’t you go?



Valgerður-Guðnadóttir-Þór-Breiðfjörð-Felix-Bergsson-perform-animated-film-musicBoth Anna and Ragna are BIG Disney fans, so they are super excited about Valgerður Guðnadóttir, Þór Breiðfjörð & Felix Bergsson perform animated film music at Salurinn in Kópavogur. Anna grew up watching the films in English, and Ragna in Icelandic, but they agree it’s the “bare necessities” of the music that really matters.

Victor has comically low standards so he’s going to Lebowski Bar, or “one of the fanciest bars in downtown Reykjavík”. DJ Smutty Smiff and DJ Raggi play tracks, so put on your party shoes, but nice ones, you wouldn’t want to be underdressed.Owning It Emmsjé Gauti by Axel Sigurðarson

Steffi thinks it’s time for hip-hop, so she’s going see Emmsjé Gauti perform his base melodic hip-hop score at Prikið.


hofsjökullAnna interviewed Anna Diljá Sigurðardóttir, this week about her new exhibition ‘Hofsjökull Hotplate’ at Loft Hostel. It’s a really neat piece that uses puzzle-piece hotplates to show how the glacier will shrink over the next 300 years. It’s like Russian nesting dolls about climate change.

sofacomplex-e1426178593540For Ragna, the best way to end the week is a relaxing afternoon at the Seltjarnarnes Library. It’s opening a new special reading space with an installation by Theresa Himmer called ‘Sofa Complex,’ where you can lounge or lie down with your book. Sounds sooooo cozy!

Húsin-í-bænumSteffi is going to see pictures of houses from downtown Reykjavík ca. 1875-85 at the photography exhibit ‘Húsin í bænum’. It’s neat to have the opportunity to stare at pictures of peoples houses. Sometimes people throw the word “voyeur” around when you stare at peoples houses in real life.

Victor likes Troubadour Danni‘s songs like “Free Bird” and “Behind Blue Eyes”, so he is going to see them at English Pub. We’re not sure that he knows that Troubadour Danni didn’t actually write them.


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