From Iceland — Polish Store Reopens After Fire

Polish Store Reopens After Fire

Published April 13, 2014

Andie Sophia Fontaine
Photo by
Mini Market Facebook Page

With a little help from friends and family, Piotr Jakubek reopened his Polish Supermarket in Breiðholt this weekend after a fire destroyed the shop last December, reports RÚV.

Jakubek’s shop, Mini Market, was entirely destroyed one night last December in what was a suspected arson attack. It is still unknown who was responsible for the fire.

“I considered quitting,” said Jakubek, describing his feelings after the fire. “Just closing shop, going off to do something else like regular people. Show up for work then come home at 4 or 5 pm. But the people who know me said, ‘Listen, I know you Piotr, you don’t know how to only work 8 hours a day’.”

Jakubek opened the Mini Market 9 years ago and sells Polish products that are popular mainly with Poles living in Iceland but also Icelanders.

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