From Iceland — Icelandic Designer A Söderberg Prizewinner

Icelandic Designer A Söderberg Prizewinner

Published November 7, 2013

Graphic designer Hjalti Karlsson was awarded with the prestigious Torsten och Wanja Söderberg prize in Gothenburg, Sweden on November 4th.

Röhsska Museum in Gothenburg has also opened an exhibition of Hjalti’s work, called “This is how I do it”.

In its statement the prize jury writes: “From the newspaper page to moving graphics, from educational exhibition form to the place-specific art installation – Hjalti Karlsson’s contemporary, visual language shows traces of both classic schooling and Icelandic narrative tradition.”

Hjalti is co-owner of design studio karlssonwilker in New York, where he has lived and worked since 2000.

Hjalti was one of key speakers at DesignTalks during Hönnunarmars (DesignMarch) in 2012 and he and his business partner, Jan Wilker, designed the logo for Hönnunarmars that year.

See a short documentary about Hjalti and his work below:

Hjalti Karlsson – A Short Documentary 2013 from Torsten & Wanja Söderbergs pris on Vimeo.

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