From Iceland — Summer Ban On Feeding Ducks In Tjörnin

Summer Ban On Feeding Ducks In Tjörnin

Published May 29, 2013

City Council is warning residents to refrain from feeding the ducks in Tjörnin pond over the summer as it puts ducklings at an increased risk from preying seagulls, Vísir reports.
The warning, which was posted on the the City Council’s website yesterday, states that the ducklings are particularly vulnerable during the months of June and July when egg hatching and chick raising is at its peak. While a popular weekend pastime, feeding ducks bread at Tjörnin also attracts seagulls (particularly the Lesser Black-backed Gull) which prey on the young chicks.
The warning adds that residents do not have to worry about the ducks not getting enough food as a greater supply of natural nourishment is available to them in the pond during the summer months.
Most of the waterfowl in Tjörnin consists of Mallards and swans, but Common Eiders have also been spotted nesting around the pond.

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