From Iceland — Good News/Bad News: Currency Edition

Good News/Bad News: Currency Edition

Published February 26, 2013

Good news for Iceland-dwellers: the exchange rate has been climbing against foreign currencies since early December. In fact, the shiny little króna has appreciated in value by more than 3% this month alone, Vísir reports. The reason for the slightly increased strength of the króna is thanks to the tourism boom the country has been experiencing.
Bad news for tourists: the exchange rate has been climbing against foreign currencies since early December. That damn króna has appreciated in value by more than 3% this month alone. That means you may pay ever so slightly more (in your home currency) for that stuffed puffin or hilarious souvenir t-shirt you’ve set your sights on.
As of this moment, you’d get 127 ISK on the US dollar, 166 ISK on the euro, and 193 ISK on the pound.

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