From Iceland — Króna Currency of Choice for Majority of Icelanders

Króna Currency of Choice for Majority of Icelanders

Published February 4, 2013

The majority of Icelanders wish for the country to hold on to the króna as its currency, according to a new poll conducted by Fréttablaðið and Stöð 2.
As Vísir reports, 52.6% of respondents to the poll are in favour of keeping the króna, a sharp 12.1% rise in support since the last such poll was taken in February 2011.
As with most economic matters, those for or against the maintenance of the króna are split between supporters of various political parties. Those claiming allegiance to the anti-EU Independence, Progressive, and Left-Green parties were more likely to support the national currency, while fondness for the tender is less among supporters of the Social Democratic Alliance and, new contenders on the parliamentary block, Bright Future, both of which are favourable to Iceland joining the EU and adopting the euro. Those in the 18 to 49 age range were slightly more favourable of the króna than those 50-years of age and older.
The poll was carried out on 30 and 31 January and included replies from 800 respondents.
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