From Iceland — Rational Explanation For Mysterious Photo

Rational Explanation For Mysterious Photo

Published January 23, 2013

A photographer who has examined a “ghost photograph” has come to a somewhat disappointing explanation for the image.
Photographer Lárus Sigurðarson took a closer look at the photograph in this article, which was taken last year by Jón Haukur Jóelsson, using the type of camera shown above.
Lárus told Vísir that, despite Jón’s contention that there was no one in the frame when he took the photo, there must have been someone standing in the foreground.
“In my opinion there’s no question that this is a rather ordinary photograph of a man who was standing there at the time the photo was taken,” Lárus said. “But of course I don’t want to confirm 100% that I know how the photograph was taken without being on the scene myself. But it is my estimation, and I have no doubts, that the man in this photograph is real.”
As reported, Jón took the photograph last year in Snæfellsnes. He says that neither he, nor the friend who accompanied him on his trip, remembers anyone else being there at the time. Jón believes the man in the photograph bears a strong resemblance to Bjarni Matthías Sigurðsson, who disappeared in the same region of the country in 1974, and was never seen again.

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