From Iceland — Support For Government Increases

Support For Government Increases

Published May 3, 2012

Public support for the ruling coalition has increased slightly, but remains lower than the support had by the conservatives.
Elections may be a year away, but the latest figures from Gallup still show the government has a lot of catching up to do in terms of public support. RÚV reports that support for the ruling coalition as at about 31%, a 3-point increase from the previous poll. Taken separately, the Social Democrats are now at 18.7% and the Leftist-Greens are at 11.5%.
Meanwhile, the Independence Party saw a 1% dip in support, but this still puts them at 37%, well ahead of the sitting government. The Progressives also lost some support, having gone from 13% to 12.5%.
The largest drop in support, though, was for Solidarity, the party founded by former Leftist-Green Lilja Mósesdóttir earlier this year. In February, this party was polling at about 21%; today, they are at 6.9%
5,400 people were contacted for this poll. Of them, 62% responded. Of them, 72% had a party they supported, while 15% said they intended to submit a blank ballot or not vote.

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