From Iceland — News Director Advises Impartiality

News Director Advises Impartiality

Published May 3, 2012

The news director for state broadcasting service RÚV has advised employees to demonstrate impartiality and objectivity when reporting on presidential candidates – especially as one of them still works for RÚV.
As reported, broadcast journalist Þóra Arnórsdóttir announced her candidacy for president of Iceland earlier this month. She has since then seen considerable levels of support, polling significantly ahead of the incumbent Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson.
Her candidacy does, though, present a challenge for at least one media outlet, as both she and her husband still work for RÚV. Because of this, RÚV news director Óðinn Jónsson sent his employees a message about fairness and objectivity, DV reports.
In the message, Óðinn praises his employees for their demonstrated objectivity thus far, while saying that other media outlets have had their credibility damaged by acting as cheerleaders for one candidate or another. He reminded RÚV news employees that the presidential race has not officially begun, adding, “It is the people that elect the president – hopefully at the end of a balanced and quality presidential race.”

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