From Iceland — Movies Could Create Hundreds Of Jobs

Movies Could Create Hundreds Of Jobs

Published May 2, 2012

Big name movies slated to be shot in Iceland could spell hundreds of jobs of the locals.
There have been a number of major Hollywood films and television shows shot in Iceland, including Flags Of Our Fathers, Beowulf, Die Another Day and Game of Thrones. As with any other major film, producers need extras, which are normally culled from the area.
Iceland is no exception, and as DV reports, demand is going to be very high in the near future.
Andrea Brabin of Eskimo Models has been handling auditions for extras, saying, “It runs up to a few hundred people who could land jobs with the big-name movies this summer. They need a lot of people in some of the bigger scenes. For the most part, we’re hiring extras, but a few supporting actors have also been hired.”
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, to be directed by and starring Ben Stiller in the lead role, will be shot in Iceland and has already opened up auditions for extras. Actors and extras will also be needed for Noah, the Darren Aronofsky film about the Noah’s ark story starring Russell Crowe and Liam Neeson. Shooting for this movie will begin this summer, and cast members will be needed. Walter Mitty will begin shooting in September at the earliest.
Also on the horizon is Oblivion, a movie starring Tom Cruise, although it is not known at this time when auditions for this film will open or when shooting in Iceland will begin.

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