From Iceland — Bomber Considering Running For President

Bomber Considering Running For President

Published April 24, 2012

The man who detonated an explosive device behind the offices of the prime minister has announced that he may run for president.
As reported, a bomb was detonated behind government offices on Hverfisgata 4 last February. No one was injured or killed, and there was no damage to property, as the “bomb” in question was little more than a flimsy container of gas fumes. A suspect was arrested soon thereafter, who confessed, explaining that it was not his intention to hurt anyone but to draw attention to a message attached to the bomb.
DV reports that the “bomber” in question, S. Valentínus Vagnsson, is now seriously considering running for president.
He has so far managed to collect 2,764 signatures from around the country, supporting his candidacy. Although 72 years old, he told reporters, “I’m fit as a fiddle,” and described himself as a “fair and decisive man.”
When asked about the bombing, he replied that he understands the seriousness of his actions, but his sole intention was to create a loud noise that would draw police to the area, where his message – protected from the blast by being contained in a pipe – would be found and delivered to the government. The message in question addresses the Icelandic government, demanding that the nation withdraw from accession talks with the European Union, leave the Schengen Area, change the fishing quota system and review the European Economic Area treaty.
Should he decide to run, he will hold a press conference to make his candidacy publicly official.

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