From Iceland — Geir Haarde: Guilty Verdict "Laughable"

Geir Haarde: Guilty Verdict “Laughable”

Published April 23, 2012

Former prime minister Geir H. Haarde, convicted about an hour ago of one charge of mismanagement, said that the verdict was “ridiculous and laughable.” He added that he may take the matter to the European Court of Human Rights.
As reported, Geir was found guilty of one charge of four of negligence and mismanagement during his time in office, contributing to the economic crash of 2008. He will receive no punishment, and the Icelandic state has been ordered by the court to cover his legal expenses, amounting to 24 million ISK.
Nonetheless, Geir is less than pleased with this verdict. RÚV reports that Geir told reporters he should have been acquitted of all charges against him, but was instead convicted over “a minor detail”. He said that all prime ministers were guilty of the same thing, and that he was convicted on their behalf.
Geir also said that he is considering taking the matter to the European Court of Human Rights. He believes the trial had been a political one, and “one of the biggest mistakes of everyone involved.”
He closed by emphasising that no one could have foreseen the collapse of the banks, and that the verdict shows the judicial system does not live up to expectations.
Photo manipulation by Hörður Sveinsson

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