From Iceland — New Party Chooses Name, Is Immediately Asked To Change It

New Party Chooses Name, Is Immediately Asked To Change It

Published January 9, 2012

A recently formed political party which asked the general public to submit possible names for them has decided on one, only to shortly thereafter be asked to change it.
The party of former Progressive Guðmundur Steingrímsson, which was formed last fall, has chosen the name Björt Framtíð (Bright Future) from among the dozens of names submitted by the general public. The name itself may be a reflection of the party’s alliance with the Best Party – the acronyms of the Icelandic names of both parties are BF.
Eyjan reports that Guðmundur felt the name was a good choice because many Icelanders feel uncertain about the future, with many young people considering leaving the country altogether. He believes his party can offer a “brighter future” for these Icelanders.
However, the future was not so bright for the name itself, as the political group Ný framtíð (New Future) asked Guðmundur to change the name of his party, saying that his party and their group sound too similar to each other, which might be confusing to voters, Vísir reports.
Guðmundur has refused the request, saying, “We do not intend to change our name, and we wish New Future a bright future.”
Whether or not New Future will take the matter further remains to be seen.

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