From Iceland — Parliament Allows Travellers To Bring More Alcohol And Tobacco

Parliament Allows Travellers To Bring More Alcohol And Tobacco

Published June 30, 2011

A new law just passed in parliament allows those arriving in Iceland to bring much more alcohol and tobacco, tax-free, than before.
Previously, arrivals to Iceland were allowed to buy one tax-free litre of liquor and one tax-free litre of wine. But now, in a vote that will undoubtedly please many coming to Iceland (and those expecting them), arrivals may in addition purchase six litres of beer.
Not one to skimp on more imaginative combinations, travellers can also opt instead for three litres of wine and six litres of beer, one litre of liquor and nine litres of beer, 1.5 litres of wine and nine litres of beer, or simply 12 litres of beer – also known as a “case” (or in Canada, a “slab”).
Perhaps realising that nothing goes better with alcohol than a smoke, those arriving in Iceland can also help themselves to 200 tax-free cigarettes (also known as a “carton”) or 250 tax-free grammes of any other sort of tobacco you might find for sale at the Duty Free.
Bear in mind that it is not only welcomed but expected that, when coming to Iceland to visit someone, you bring with you some duty-free booze. The Grapevine applauds parliament for supporting – and improving – this hallowed Icelandic tradition.

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