From Iceland — Most Happy with SIC Report

Most Happy with SIC Report

Published May 3, 2010

While the vast majority of Icelanders are happy with the work the Special Investigative Commission (SIC) has done, they also believe no one will end up punished for contributing to the economic collapse.
According to a Gallup poll, 98% want to see charges pressed against bank managers, and 90% want to see the same happen to politicians mentioned in the SIC report.
However, only 17.6% believe any charges will actually be filed against politicians, while 41% said the same of the country’s bank managers.
The poll also showed that 76% of Icelanders said they followed news coverage of the report closely or very closely. 87% of Icelanders were pleased with the work the SIC had done, and 84% said they trusted the commission a great deal.
As yet, no charges have been filed against any politician, businessman, or bank manager, former or current.

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