From Iceland — Government Television Most Trusted Media Source

Government Television Most Trusted Media Source

Published April 21, 2010

According to a new poll conducted by Market and Media Research (MMR), the government news office RÚV remains the most trusted news source among Icelanders.
78.5% said they trusted RÚV a great deal, while only 4.9% said they trusted it very little. In this area, they are both more trusted and less distrusted than the news broadcast by private station Stöð 2.
Newspapers gave some interesting results as well. Morgunblaðið holds the distinction of being simultaneously the most trusted and the second-most distrusted paper in the country. 46.4% said they trusted Morgunblaðið much, yet 24.9% said they trusted it little. Only DV is less trusted than Morgunblaðið, which stands at 51.6% mistrust, although it is trusted by 9.4%. Free daily Fréttablaðið is the second-most trusted paper in the country, at 34.8%, but is almost as distrusted as Morgunblaðið, as 21.7% said they trusted Fréttablaðið little.
On the net, Morgunblaðið’s site,, is again the most trusted, at 51.7%. Only 29.6% said the same about, run by the same company behind Fréttablaðið, 365. DV’s site,, is trusted slightly more than its paper counterpart, 10.2%, and is also mistrusted less, at 46.9%. is trusted much by 16.9% of respondents, although 21% trust it little. showed a similar trust-to-mistrust ratio, at 13.6% trusting it much, but 18.9% trusting it little.
We weren’t in this survey for whatever reason, but I’ll venture to guess we’d top the list in terms of trust. In fact, I’ll assume that’s true until a poll indicates otherwise, and I suggest you do the same.

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