From Iceland — SMOKE THE CROWS. It's a Sónar Podcast Feat. dj flugvél og geimskip!

SMOKE THE CROWS. It’s a Sónar Podcast Feat. dj flugvél og geimskip!

Published January 30, 2015

Steinunn Eldflaug picks the songs and tells us about the edge of the universe

SMOKE THE CROWS. It’s a Sónar Podcast Feat. dj flugvél og geimskip!
Photo by
Þórir Bogason

Steinunn Eldflaug picks the songs and tells us about the edge of the universe

This week’s studio guest in our second Sónar Reykjavík Podcast is Steinunn, the pilot of the wonderful one-woman-band dj flugvél og geimskip. She came in to pick some songs and to tell us about how the bottom of the ocean is actually the same as the edge of the universe.

Follow Steinunn on Facebook here, and see her at Sónar on Friday 13th in the SonarComplex. And if you’re on Mixcloud, we have joined too, let’s be friends.

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