From Iceland — Just Sayings: “Flýtur meðan ekki sekkur”

Just Sayings: “Flýtur meðan ekki sekkur”

Published August 29, 2019

Just Sayings: “Flýtur meðan ekki sekkur”
Valur Grettisson
Photo by
Creative Commons

This saying is basically another version of “þetta reddast,” which is basically the motto of the Icelandic nation, translating to “everything is going to work out.” But there is a slight difference. Literally, “flýtur meðan ekki sekkur” translates to, “it floats as long as doesn’t sink.” Well duh. The saying is more of a criticism towards the status quo or incompetence, and it is often used by politicians when they want to point out that something is working, but not really. So the idiom is sort of a darker version of the careless attitude Icelanders take when they say something will just work out. Because, lets face it, it’s kind of a messed up point of view.

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