From Iceland — Wanna Intern At Grapevine? Applications Open For May To December 2019

Wanna Intern At Grapevine? Applications Open For May To December 2019

Published April 1, 2019

Wanna Intern At Grapevine? Applications Open For May To December 2019
Photo by
Art Bicnick

If you’re a regular reader of the Reykjavík Grapevine, in print or online, chances are you’ve read—alongside work by our in-house editorial staff and stellar freelance writers—many articles written by our wonderful interns. That’s because we like to get work by each and every intern at Grapevine into print as quickly as possible, so they can feel the satisfaction of holding the paper in their hands and seeing their words in black and white.

We’re told this is unusual, and that many comparable positions involve making coffee and stuff like that. But that’s not the life of Grapevine interns. Over three months, our programme includes a wide range of tasks, from adventurous stuff like roaring over a glacier on a snowmobile shouting “I’M KING O’ THE WORLD!” like Leonardo DiCaprio On Ice or something, to writing up daily news stories, carrying out interviews with fascinating people on a wide range of subjects, seeing how the print process works up close, and getting invaluable guidance and feedback on writing. (Of course, there’s also mundane stuff like helping us upload magazine articles to WordPress, learning about em-dashes and house-style punctuation, and collating event listings. But absolutely no coffee making—guaranteed.)

We asked what our current intern Sam thinks of everything, and he said: “It’s very rewarding. You get to be in the heat of the process, and your ideas are both welcomed and encouraged. You get to be a part of the end product and have your name on something you can be very proud of.” He finished: “It’s the best thing to do with my time.” As that includes things like going to Disneyland, a nice hot bath, and slicing open a perfectly ripe avocado, we think that’s a pretty high recommendation.*

If you’re interested in being an intern at Grapevine, you can download the application form here. Fill it out, and send it to with your CV and some examples of your written work. (Articles that have been published get extra points, although if your blog or thesis is riveting, we’ll definitely take a look.)

That’s all! Send us your application, and your questions! We look forward to hearing from you! Here’s a gallery of Grapevine interns doing stuff! Bye!

(*Note: after reading this article Intern Sam said: “I’ve just realised I could be eating an avocado in the bath right now.”)

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