From Iceland — Harpa Will Pump You Up

Harpa Will Pump You Up

Published November 3, 2011

Harpa Will Pump You Up

Harpa is hosting a weekend of bikinis, speedos and bulging muscles! For three days, some of the world’s most muscular humans will descend on Reykjavík to participate in the Iceland Fitness and Health Expo. Competitors will participate in events ranging from bodybuilding and power lifting, to gymnastics and boxing. Expect fitness gurus, competitions, vendors galore, and all of the dietary supplements you could ever need (Vitamin D, anyone?).
Iceland isn’t called ‘Strongman World’ for nothing. In fact, Iceland has won more Strong Man Championships than any other country in the world. When you want to say that something is a piece of cake in Icelandic, you can say, “No problem for Jón Pál,” who is of course one of our greatest strongmen. If this doesn’t intimidate you and you think you’ve got what it takes to lift heavy stuff, don’t forget to sign up for the hernia-inducing Amateur Strongman Competition.
This event will be jam packed with more six packs than homecoming weekend at Delta Chi fraternity. So to the journalist who once described Icelanders as “lumpy” – show your face at Harpa this weekend, I double dog dare you!
Where: Harpa
November 4, 14:00; November 5 & 6, 11:00
How Much:
2.000 ISK per day; 30.000 ISK to attend competitive events; 10.000 ISK VIP tickets

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