From Iceland — Ashfall Reaches Reykjavík

Ashfall Reaches Reykjavík

Published May 14, 2010

Ashfall Reaches Reykjavík

After showering Hvolsvöllur with black rain and making things generally unpleasant throughout the southwest, the Eyjafjallajökull eruption has once again decided to bless the capital area with the gift of a fine ash mist.
Ash fell on the Weather Office up on Öskuhlíð, near Kringlan, and has been misting all over the downtown area. It’s actually not immediately apparent, to be honest. It’s been an overcast day, and some clouds look ashier than others, but the ash is not so thick that buildings have been turned gray and all sunlight is blotted out.
Scientists report that most of the ash is hanging about 30,000 feet above the city, which is higher than it’s been before. Ash has also spread out across more of the southwest of the country, and over the sea. At the moment, there are no signs that the volcano is dying down.
That’s a pretty short update, because there’s not much else I can tell you about it. Hopefully our resident volcanologist will be able to give you science junkies the lowdown later on. What I can tell you is flights are cancelled and then confirmed seemingly at random, so you’d be best advised to call ahead if you’re not sure, even if your flight is leaving in a couple hours.

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