From Iceland — Excellent Eruption Pics!

Excellent Eruption Pics!

Published April 1, 2010

Excellent Eruption Pics!
Haukur S. Magnússon
Photo by
Julia Staples

Grapevine was fortunate enough to be invited on a trip to the Eyjafjallajökull/Fimmvörðuháls eruption a couple of days ago, travelling from Reykjavík via a super jeep from Iceland Rovers and up the glacier via a snowmobile from

Our photographer, Julia Staples, snapped these awesome-tastic photos of the eruption and the way there. Feast your eyes upon them, and pay special attention to the crowds around the eruption. It’s like some sorta freakin’  hippie music festival up in this b***!

There’s more to come, of course, as well as a detailed story of the trip. So we look forward to seeing y’all again ’round these parts, pard!

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