From Iceland — Track By Track: Eleqant By Quest

Track By Track: Eleqant By Quest

Published October 15, 2021

Track By Track: Eleqant By Quest
Valur Grettisson
Photo by

Info: To listen to Quest is a quest in itself. Their first album, “Eleqant” is humorous, allowing the band to be tacky at times, while something undeniably cool permeates their surroundings; some hipster vibe you can only find with someone that has achieved a zen-state of existence. Naturally, this involves a mullet and an ironic moustache, coupled with inventively playing with the standard pop format. We are hooked and we wanted to know more, so we asked Quest to take us through “Eleqant” track by track. Here’s what Reykjavík’s newest band has to say for themselves.

Photo provided by Quest


We wanted to start the album with a sensual bang! Stoneheart is a power ballad about the force that is love. It starts with a reoccurring synth pad, orchestral guitar melody and some tight drums, slowly building to an epic outro. In the middle of all this you will find a soothing saxophone solo to ease you on your journey. “Don’t let your heart turn into stone!”


Fanturinn (e.“The Brute”), we all know one, he is everywhere, he is in our worst enemies but also within us all. When he gets rewarded for selfish behaviour he embodies it to impress those around him, while neglecting compassion and respect. This was our first single, the first mix we got from Þórður Gunnar, who then mixed the whole shebang! The song is a shoulder-padded leather jacket, one size fits all.

Father Time

It’s another cold, dark winter morning for the hooligan but the anticipation gets him up. Factory, punch the clock, fight time, finish work, go to the pub, finish a beer, fight other hooligans, match on, times up. Again tomorrow. Silly, we know, but the song is quite simple. Synths, drums, guitar, some freezing harmonies and a very odd, clunky piano in the end. You might even start to sing along.

P.S. Can you hear the Eurovision reference?

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This song has a special place in our hearts. It features Ingólfur Bjarni, a founding member of the band, and was written during a beautiful part of our band’s life. The song is an upbeat pop song inspired by an early 80s theatre play about how technology is distancing us. A nostalgic perspective on modern problems.

Place in Heaven

Think Phil Collins meets Dr. Phil and they write a traditional gender-role focused love song. A haunting and pulsating guitar sets the theme of the song, like a broken heart. Layered by airy synths, powerful drums and dreamy lyrics. The song unfortunately has expired so we are no longer responsible for it. You can have it.

Síðasta lagið

Síðasta lagið (e. “The Last Song”). We take a lot of pride in our live shows and this song might be the most fun to perform. It has a one-take moog solo, congas, perks, groovy bass and smooth, punchy vocals served together in quality repetitions that continually build up for five epic minutes. The lyrics are about you, dear reader. We hope you decorate your life with yourself.


Just when you thought Síðasta Lagið was the end, we surprise you with life’s lessons; we can either learn them the hard way or dance them away. We only provide you with the options, not the answers.
We are very happy that you have made your way through our album. We can only hope that you enjoyed and might consider subscribing and liking and biking and hiking, showering and eating healthy and laughing and dancing and adding us to your email list.

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