From Iceland — Grapevine New Music Picks: LadieLex, Svala and Love Guru & N3dek

Grapevine New Music Picks: LadieLex, Svala and Love Guru & N3dek

Published June 10, 2022

Grapevine New Music Picks: LadieLex, Svala and Love Guru & N3dek
Photo by
Tinna Magg

Another sunny Friday?! What have we done to deserve such riches? Get out there and enjoy it and take these great tracks with you.

All these tracks—and so many more brought to you by The Grapevine over the past twelve months—are available in our New Music Picks 2021-22 playlist.

LadieLex – “Wrong Direction”

Need a new power walk song to show everyone your confidence and superiority? LadieLex’s new pop rock song, “Wrong Direction,” is perfect for you. The lyrics “I won’t take the wrong direction,” will ensure that you don’t get lost despite being entranced by the synth beat. We hope you still remember us with your newfound found power walk induced self-confidence. AE

Love Guru & N3dek – ” Ísland Best Í Heimi (Sumar 2022)”

It’s time to take your glow sticks out of storage, get yourself a thick spray tan, put blonde highlights in your hair and crack open a Bacardi Breezer, because Love Guru is here to magically whisk you away to 2005. This song is virtually indistinguishable from a Scooter B-side, apart from it being entirely in Icelandic, and the video is rife with jumping crowds, the Guru himself shouting into the camera, and inexplicably a cartoon drawing of his face (WARNING: this video may induce seizures). You can almost smell the Calvin Klein One as you listen to synths that smack you on the head with a squeak toy. Not for the faint of heart, or for anyone who wants to forget the early part of the century. ASF

Svala – “Bones”

This is a surprisingly upbeat and optimistic song for something with a title like “Bones,” making it perfect for an afternoon stroll or drive under the midnight sun. The verses look to a hopeful future, saying “better days are coming”—a friendly reminder in a world still reeling from COVID and many other tragedies. Crank this at full volume to be reminded of the good around you. EL

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