From Iceland — Grapevine Event Picks: Radical May And Loads of Art

Grapevine Event Picks: Radical May And Loads of Art

Published April 29, 2022

Grapevine Event Picks: Radical May And Loads of Art
Photo by
Edda Karólína

This week we’ve got a bumper arts edition of the events roundup for you! But if you prefer music and radical action, stay tuned, because Sunday’s event promises to deliver. Nothing here take your pick? Well, we’ve a whole special events website dedicated to fun happenings in Iceland, so have a browse and fill your week ahead with culture galore.

Spatial Infractions

  • Until August 7th; Curator’s Talk 14:00 Saturday 30th May
  • Reykjavík Art Museum at Ásmundarsafn
  • More information here

Rósa Gísladóttir exhibits her work in conversation with that of Icelandic sculpture pioneer Ásmundur Sveinsson. Rósa is best known for her creations in the medium of plaster, but she often makes reference to architecture in her work and here will use Ásmundarsafn, the museum building itself, as a sculpture. There’s a talk with the curators on Saturday, with pre-registration available online. JP

Radical 1st of May

  • May 1st at 13:00
  • Hlemmur & IÐNÓ
  • More information here

While local elections are coming up (and we very much encourage you to vote if you can — more about that here), there are so many other ways to be involved in creating community and changing societal culture to be a more inclusive place for everyone. Basically, if you want the world to be a better place, you’ve got to show up and do something about it. Radical 1st of May is a great place to start, with groups such as IWW, No Borders, Rauða Regnhlífin, Extinction Rebellion and many more all coming together for an afternoon of, “Solidarity, intersectionality and empowerment.” There will be a march, there will be speeches, there will be music, there will be — inexplicably — waffles. I guess this is Iceland after all. What can we say, come for the waffles, stay for the radical action. JG

Fritz Hendrik IV: A Sad Scroll

  • Until May 15th
  • Gallerí Úthverfa, Ísafjörður
  • More information here

Fritz Hendrik IV is a visual artist from Iceland, currently based in Reykjavík. The artist has exhibited his works both locally and internationally, with his works being purchased by a number of private collectors. The exhibition in Ísafjörður dwells on conscious and unconscious, doom and optimism, and the artist’s understanding of life. Two more weeks left to check it out! IZ

Edda Karólína: KEMUR Í LJÓS

  • Until June 5th; opening night April 29th, 18:00
  • Fúsk, Gufunes
  • More information here

At a loss for something to do tonight? Artist Edda Karólína is opening an exhibition of her work at the artist-lead space Fúsk. You might not think you know her art, but I can guarantee you do — she’s responsible for the latest iteration of the infamous and much loved ‘Flatus Lifir Enn’ graffiti on the road next to Hvalfjörður. Her other work is equally full of bright, flat colours and is perfect for a joyful Friday evening. JG

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