From Iceland — Fancies: Skaði Þórðardóttir

Fancies: Skaði Þórðardóttir

Published July 8, 2021

Fancies: Skaði Þórðardóttir
Hannah Jane Cohen
Photo by
Art Bicnick

Fancies is a Grapevine series where we highlight an individual with supreme style. Our latest subject is Skaði Þórðardóttir (44), an artist.

today’s look

Skaði Þórðardóttir is wearing:

  • Sweater from Aftur
  • Legwarmers from Pole Sport
  • Shoes from Kjólar & Konfekt
  • Unknown tights
  • Eyeshadows from NYX

style q&a

Describe your style in 5 words: Punk. Extravagant. Different. Personal. DIY.

Favourite stores in Reykjavík: I guess I have to say Aftur first because I’m wearing something from them! I also really loved getting stuff at Kvartýra №49 (RIP), but unfortunately they closed. Right now, though, I really love shopping at Pole Sport, where I do aerial gymnastics, pole and hoop. They have all these leg warmers and I really love those because there’s such a confidence that comes from wearing leg warmers. You just feel like a sexy dancer! Otherwise, I like checking out Rokk & Rómantík, Kjólar & Konfekt, Kólaportið and the Red Cross.

Favourite piece: Definitely this Ashley Williams dress. It’s made of pink leopard print velvet and just looks so good on me. I also love tights and catsuits for my stage looks. I have so many that I’ve bought in a variety of sex shops. You have to have confidence to wear them, which I like. This sweater is also super nostalgic for me because it has a metal vibe to it, full of skull and fantasy imagery. I love it because I used to be a metalhead—or, well, I’m still a metalhead! But this sweater goes well with red and I always love to wear some red eyeshadow and lipstick. Red is one of my favourite colours.

Something I would never wear: I don’t like wearing brown clothes. It’s just not really me, even though I do have some brownish stuff. I’ve also never been comfortable wearing suits. It’s probably something to do with being a trans woman—suits are so connected with the male gender that it always feels wrong to me to wear them. I even once had a designer that wanted to make a tailor-made suit for me to model and I declined. But, you know, I think I would look pretty good in a suit now! I think I definitely need to find one now and wear it just because I said here I would never wear it.

Lusting after: I really love to be surprised when I’m shopping. I usually have vague ideas of what I want, but it’s always nice when you find something new and unexpected and say ‘“Wow! I look really good in this.”

Know someone with incredible aesthetics like Skaði Þórðardóttir? E-mail us at Read more Fancies articles here.

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